Adamya Chetana
A Day Care Centre for Divyang at Ullal.
Providing day care, health care, general and social education and required therapy treatments.
Target group
Children with physical disability, Multiple disability, Mental Retardation, Celebral Palsy
Doddamane, Opp: Shri Veerabhadra Temple, Main Road, Ullal.
Admission Process and Activities
As done in CCDC Mangaluru.
Resource and Beneficiaries

9.30 am to 3.30 pm, on all week days, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Reach Area
Ullal Town and nearby villages.
- In appreciation of the services of Seva Bharathi, Doddamane Shri Uday Ullal, Bengaluru, leased his fully equipped residential, independent building/premises to the centre to enable Seva Bharathi to extends it’s service to the society at Ulla, 8 kms away from Mangaluru.
- The name of the centre ‘Adamya Chetana’ was proposed by Shri Uday Ullal .
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Support us through your contributionSeva Bharathi's health, education, livelihood and response programmes bring lasting change in the lives and livelihoods of Divyang , Visually Impaired Kids, Endosulphan Victims & Autism Spectrum disorder children.
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