Ashajyothi is a recreation club for Divyangs established in 1998, promoted by the parents, guardians and well wishers of Divyangs.Ashajyothi
Ashajyothi is a forum of Divyang and their parents aiming in:
- Bringing out the hidden talents and abilities of Divyangs and further train /shape their skills to make them self reliant/self employed.
- Assisting Divyangs to get their Disability assessed and also to possess the Disability Cards.
- Conducting Medical Checkup/Counseling Camps.
- Arranging Recreation/Excursions for Divyangs.
- Identifying Divyangs with hidden talents in sports etc. and nurturing their talents, through felicitating the Divyangs for their achievements such as participating in Para Olympic, Divyang Entrepreneurs who provide employment to the normal people etc.

Vishishtarigagi Vishishta Mela
In the said mela, challenged people of all category get an opportunity to enjoy, dance as they wish and eat what they like which otherwise ‘only a dream’ for them. The general public, who attend mela to serve them will understand what is ‘Disability’. In the mela, there will be singing, dancing, musical wheel-chair game, riding on horse, horse carriage, Wooden Giant Wheel/Merry go round and similar type of plays, entertaining games & competitions for challenged and their parents, stalls of eatables etc. It creates a carnival atmosphere for Divyang. In mela, everything is open to all participants, free of cost.
Ashajyothi also organizes Excursions for Divyangs, at least once in a year, to the places of importance and scenic interest and also Sea Shore/Boating, Nature Parks, Planetariums, Temples/Monuments etc.

A scene of Vishistarigagi Vishishta Mela where Divyangs are enjoying in the dance.